How to Recognize When It’s Time for a Hearing Exam

Woman in a booth getting a hearing test.

When should you schedule a hearing evaluation? Here are a few indications that suggest you should have your hearing tested.

Recently, my kids complained about how loud my television was. My answer …” What?!” It was funny because it was a joke. But there’s nothing funny about untreated hearing loss. The volume of the TV has been increasing. And I began to think about whether I should schedule a hearing assessment.

There’s no good reason to avoid scheduling a hearing test. They are non-intrusive, they don’t involve any radiation, and you can be at ease without concerns about your level of comfort. Simply take a quick moment to book an appointment.

Given the considerable impact that unaddressed hearing loss can have on your general well-being, it’s essential to be proactive about monitoring your hearing.

You should have your hearing tested if you notice these signs

If you’ve detected any recent changes that might be a sign of hearing loss, booking a comprehensive hearing examination with a professional is likely a wise decision. If it’s difficult to hear, it most likely means there’s substantial hearing impairment.

  • It’s hard to hear in noisy locations: Have you ever been to a crowded or noisy room and had difficulty keeping up with the conversation because of all the ambient noise? It’s possible that this could be an indication of impaired hearing.
  • People always seem to be speaking unclearly: The issue may not always be volume but rather definition.
  • You’re always missing text messages: Your phone is made to be loud. So, if you’re constantly missing calls or text messages, it could be because you’re noy hearing them.
  • Relentless ringing sound: A constant sensation of ringing in your ears, knowned as tinnitus, is frequently an indication of damage to your hearing.

Here are some other situations that indicate you should schedule a hearing assessment:

  • Your ear is still clogged following an infection
  • You have a buildup of earwax you can’t remove on your own
  • Medications you’re using might be damaging your hearing
  • Distinguishing where sounds are originating from can be difficult
  • You have vertigo

Routine hearing evaluations

But what if you haven’t recognized any of these indications of hearing loss? Is there a guideline for how often you should get your hearing checked?

  • Get a baseline test done at some point after you turn 21.
  • If your hearing is healthy, undergo hearing screenings every three years.
  • If you display symptoms of hearing loss, have it checked immediately and then every year thereafter.

Routine screenings may detect hearing loss early, before any symptom are evident. The earlier you seek treatment, the better you’ll be able to preserve your hearing over time. This means you should probably turn your TV down and set up a hearing test.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.