No two cases of hearing loss are the same Just because two people have the same hearing loss condition doesn’t mean they will have precisely the same experience. No two cases of hearing loss are exactly alike. While you might be able to relate to someone else with hearing loss, keep in mind that your […]
So, so many family get-togethers. During the holiday seasons, it probably feels like you’re meeting (or re-meeting) a new long-lost relative every other weekend. The holiday season can be enjoyable (and also difficult) for this reason. Usually, it’s easy to look forward to this yearly catching up. You get to find out what everybody’s been […]
You’re bombarded by noise as soon as you arrive at the annual company holiday party. The din of shouted conversations, the clanging of glasses, and the pulsating beat of music are all mixing in your ears. You’re not enjoying it at all. In such a loud environment, you can’t hear a thing. The punch lines […]
While everyone has experienced a runny nose, we don’t usually talk about other kinds of cold symptoms because they are less common. One kind of cold you don’t often hear about is the one that goes into one or both ears. This kind of cold can be more harmful than a common cold and should […]
You’ve been putting off calling us to see if you need hearing aids, but you’ve finally decided it’s time. You have been resisting this like so many others. But the hassle, the lost moments, the missing interactions, they all finally became too hard to ignore. So when you do finally come in and then you […]
Believe it or not, it’s been more than 10 years since most people have had a hearing assessment. One of those individuals is Harper. She goes to see her doctor for her annual medical exam and gets her teeth cleaned every six months. She even knows to get her timing belt changed every 6000 miles! […]
If you have a partner with neglected hearing loss, you realize that getting their attention can be… a struggle. First, you try to say their name. You say “Greg”, but you get no response because you used an indoor volume level. You try saying Greg’s name a little louder and still nothing. So finally, you […]
Most people recognize the common causes of hearing loss, but some chemicals can also lead to hearing loss which can be surprising. While there are several groups of people at risk, those in industries such as textiles, petroleum, automotive, plastics, and metal fabrication have increased exposure. Being aware of what these hazardous chemicals are and […]
Music is an essential part of Aiden’s life. He listens to Spotify while working, switches to Pandora when jogging, and he has a playlist for everything: cardio, cooking, video games, you name it. His headphones are almost always on, his life a totally soundtracked event. But irreversible hearing damage may be happening as a consequence […]
You first hear the sound when you’re in bed trying to sleep: a beating or perhaps a throbbing, perhaps a whooshing, inside of your ear. The sound is beating at the same rhythm as your heartbeat. And once you notice that sound, you can’t tune it out. You have a big day tomorrow and you […]