Hearing aids are intended to help make up for your unique hearing loss condition. Whether you are new to wearing hearing aids or have been using them for years, if your hearing aids give you headaches or any other type of pain, there is an answer. A properly adjusted hearing aid will fit comfortably in […]
Does it seem as if your hearing aid batteries die way too fast? Here are a few unexpected reasons that may happen. So how far should the charge on my hearing aid battery last? The typical hearing aid battery lasts anywhere between 3 and 7 days. That’s a very wide range. So wide, in fact, […]
You want to be courteous when you’re talking with friends. You want your customers, co-workers, and manager to recognize that you’re fully involved when you’re at work. With family, you might find it less difficult to simply tune out the conversation and ask the person next to you to repeat what you missed, just a […]
You’re having a Zoom call with your granddaughter and you’ve been looking forward to it all week! You’ll have a great time and get caught up with your beloved family members. But when the call starts, you are horrified to find out, you can’t hear what your loved ones are saying. You’re wearing your hearing […]
Do you hear a crackling sound? A condition called tinnitus can cause you to hear buzzing, crackling, whooshing, or other sounds in your ears. Here’s what you need to know. Do you hear phantom noises such as thumping, buzzing, or ringing in your ears? If you have hearing aids, it can mean that they need […]
As we age we begin to have trouble hearing clearly and we usually just accept it as a normal part of growing older. Maybe we begin to turn the volume up on the TV or keep asking our grandkids to speak up when they’re talking to us, or maybe we start to forget things? Loss […]
You’re a really busy person, so it’s reasonable that you completely forgot about the hearing test you have scheduled for tomorrow. It’s a good thing we sent out a reminder text so you should have time to prepare. So how should I get ready? You won’t have to stay awake all night preparing for a […]
You have an active summer planned. You’re definitely going to go to the beach and maybe go for a swim. You’ll do some regular jogging and then maybe attend a baseball game or two before heading home to up some tasty dinner. Your schedule is going to be quite full. And you want to make […]
Keep your eyes on the road. Naturally, it’s good advice, but it doesn’t speak to your other senses. As an example, consider how much work your ears are doing while driving. You’re using your ears to engage with other individuals in your vehicle, call your attention to important information appearing on your dashboard, and help […]
When is it time to get a hearing exam? You need a hearing exam if you have any of these four warning signs. I guess my TV is regularly cranked up to the point where my kids recently complained. Do you know what my response was? I said, “What”? It was humorous. Because it was […]